Do What You Can
Traveling to Sierra Leone through FNSL is different from other volunteer work. We aim to give you the opportunity to make a difference in other people's lives, while at the same time making a difference in your own life.
We understand that everyone has their own uniquely different talents and abilities that can be shared, and even if one may feel like one has nothing special to contribute with, we can guarantee that you have more to offer than you think. It doesn't have to be academic, there are many different ways one can teach others in life. We want for you to give them a new perspective and outlook on life, as this is what our volunteers will gain.
As previously written, there are many different ways to contribute as a volunteer. Such as:
Culture (Anything from music, art, literature or other things you find interesting and want to share.)
If desired, we can work with you and tailor a program that is customized to your interests, and what you wish to accomplish out of your stay in Sierra Leone.
Everyone who completes a program through FNSL will receive certificates from both the Association for volunteering, as well as from those whom you have worked with within the field of your choice, which can be a positive accomplishment to have in the future.
We don't want you to simply take our word for it, therefore, we have asked previous volunteers to write about their experiences. Below, you can access their full testimonials by clicking their images.