For Excellent Performance… Two PGHS Girls to America on Leadership Training

Two girls, Aminata Fallah and Abibatu Massaquoi, from the Prosperity Girls High School (PGHS) joined three other pupils from the provinces to represent the country in a three-week leadership programme in America.
The programme is an offer made by the American Embassy in Freetown through the 34 American Peace Corps Volunteers assigned as teachers of mathematics, science and English in Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary schools throughout the country. The five pupils were selected based on exceptional academic performance in the rigorous in-class activities conducted by the Peace Corps.
Among schools in Rotifunk, Prosperity School has been on the lucky end to clinch a place in this phenomenal opportunity having performed well in tests and exams conducted Peace Corps Mr. and Mrs. Davies.
The remaining three pupils include Jariatu Sillah, a senior pupil from the Guadalupe Secondary School of Lunar Port Loko District; Agnes Katewu from the Government Secondary School of Moyamba District and John Massaquoi from Government Secondary School from Jimmy of Bo District.
On her part as a beneficiary, Aminata Fallah, an SSS2 pupil in the commercial faculty of PGHS, said she felt good on being chosen to form an element of those taking part in the programme since it will be a historical outing. “I hope to go and learn more about how to be a good girl to help others like me. When I return home, I will pass on to my colleagues what I learnt there,” she said.
Concerning what to do next after the idea exchange programme, Aminata said she will embark on a project to help her friends and other girls learn how to save money.
For Abibatu Massaquoi of PGHS, helping foster children who are prone to child cruelty and labour is her eminent concern. “The road will not lead to the end if we fail to thank Proprietor Alton Bendu for giving girls the opportunity to be in school. Had it not been for that, we would not have been selected,” she said.
The township of Rotifunk has received the news with open heart with thanks offered to the dedicated staff of PGHS and the selfless attitude of Proprietor Alton Bendu who, up to press time, was on a multi-task drive to provide safe learning environment for deprived rural girls.
Gro L’Orsa of Eikeli High School in Norway was happy that the school they are supporting in Sierra Leone is privileged to take part in a cross-border leadership programme.
This is the second international programme the school has benefited from. The initial one occurred five years ago where six girls and a teacher from the said were invited by ATEA Technology Company to take part in a cultural exchange programme in Norway.