Despite our many achievements we are constantly trying to reach new goals and better the lives of children, youth and the people of sierra leone.
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About Us
The Foundation Norway- Sierra Leone was established in 2002. Its founder Alton Bendu, a social worker specialized in the protection of children, was born in Sierra Leone. At the age of twelve, he and his parents moved to Norway, where he has been living since. At the age of sixteen, Alton returned to visit his home country, which he left in a state of peace and prosperity, only to be greeted with the unfamiliarity of poverty. Since then he has been committed to rebuilding his country. Even during the 10-year long brutal rebel war, Alton flew in and out of Sierra Leone to provide aid to those he could reach. Continuing his now 40 years long humanitarian work, Alton, at the age of 57 is still, with the support of his wife Agnes Bendu, as committed to helping in the development of his homeland. Over the years his foundation has built, sponsored and donated school material to several schools in the capital Freetown as well as in Rotifunk, Bumpeh chiefdom. His foundation also provides food, clothes, and aid throughout Sierra Leone having sent over 50 containers with various supplies.
The foundation’s key goal is to help better the lives of the people of Sierra Leone. For now, the main focus has been the projects within health and education in Rotifunk. With the support of sponsors & partners, the projects the foundation has embarked on, and the ones they continue to take on have been successful.
Focus Cause
After the civil war in Sierra Leone, the educational system was ruined and it has not yet been restored to its former glory. The newly elected president states that about 400 000 children are without any form of education. The majority of these being girls and teenage pregnancy is an increasing problem.
In fact, worldwide 1 out of 3 girls between the ages 11-15 do not attend school.
This means that 39 million girls worldwide are either not attending or not completing their junior secondary school education. These are girls subjected to sexual harassment, violence at school, going through early teenage pregnancy, being forced to marry at a young age and whose parents cannot afford to pay their school fees. These are also girls who are chosen to stay home to do domestic work, by their parents, when the choice is between a boy and a girl.
It is a fact that education is the key to development and if these vulnerable girls are not included in the process of education then the strive to eradicate poverty worldwide is just a waste of time.
An African proverb says, “If we educate a boy, we educate one person. If we educate a girl, we educate a family – and a whole nation.” By sending a girl to school, she is far more likely to ensure that her children also receive an education. As many claims, investing in a girl’s education is investing in a nation.
Year Established
Projects Completed
Girls Studying
Our Partners & Sponsors are precious to us. Without them, we could not reach the goals that we have set for ourselves. They give us the opportunity to put our dreams to action, and we are extremely lucky and forever grateful to have them. A special thanks to our longtime sponsors, Erna and Knut Eng.
Erna&Knut Engs Barnefond
Ullern & Eikeli VGS
Haraldsvang Skole
Process Trykk AS.
Micanor AS.
Foreningen Haugesund-Rotifunk​
Fighter Sport - Fredrik Bjertnæs
Elite Foto- Gunnar Cedergren
Reklamegaver As.
Ørnulf Høyer - høyer
Edda Profil - Henning Hildisch
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